
New Discoveries...

Dean is now beginning to take much more notice of the things around him. He leans forward when he see something new that peaks his interest. So even just from this morning I have some "firsts" for pictures. He is so much fun right now. Dave and I enjoy greeting him together every morning because it produces the biggest smile. He loves to have both his mommy and daddy's full attention.

Here's Dean's new bath tub. We haven't tried it with water yet, but he thought it was pretty fun to sit in.

After I got Dean up from his nap yesterday, he started leaning out of my arms for something. It was his Tigger (given to him by Grandma Hardy). The Tigger is in honor of the boy who loves to bounce:) Tigger and Dean had a splendid first encounter.

Dean giving Tigger a kiss. How sweet!

Ok, sorry. There were supposed to be two more videos in this post, but the internet is not cooperating right now. You will just have to check back later for adorable videos of Dean feeding himself for the first time.


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