
Family Beach Trip

Over Spring Break, my mom and John rented a home in Seaside and invited all of us kids and our families to join them for a few days of fun and relaxation. It was a busy house with 8 adults and 7 kids. We were only missing my brother, Kevin. It's amazing how quickly a small family can grow! Below are some pictures we took at the beach, but you'd never know it, since I didn't capture any with the ocean or sand. We had every kind of weather imaginable at the beach, so it was a typical Oregon coast visit. There was even SNOW! Snow in the passes, snow on the beach, and as the last picture shows, snow the day we came home to our house.

Okay really, who wouldn't want to be so flexible they could eat their own toes? Mmmm... toes!

We had a big birthday celebration for Jordanne, William, and Jen (featured below) too.

Here is Dean's first experience with a balloon. He thought it was great. He enjoys playing with Daddy.

Ah yes, nothing like snow on the ground on March 30th. We've had some pretty crazy weather here this year. I am so ready for spring. As for Dave, when we had this snow he wanted to get out the Christmas music again!

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