I took work off early today so Beka and I could go in for her scheduled ultrasound. It was a pretty cool experience! I was expecting to have to really "search" to see anything on the monitor, but it was VERY detailed (it wasn't 3D or anything, but everything was quite clear). I saw eyes, femurs, hands, elbows, knees, a skull, feet, a spine... oh yeah, and we found out it's a boy.
Now that we know, we just have to finalize a name. As many of you know, we were originally pretty set on the name Korben, but stinkin' Western Baptist College had to go and change their name to Corban College (different spelling, but it sounds the same). Originally it didn't bother us because we've had that name picked out for 8 or 9 years. However, we saw "Corban College" printed out the other day and it hit us... now we're not sure if we want to use the name or not.
At any rate, we're willing to accept name suggestions, but I can't promise any actual consideration will be given (especially suggestions like Herbert, Percy, Garth, Wii, or Jeep). For all we know, we may end up with Korben, back where we started.
Besides, I'll always see Corban as "the school formally known as Western Baptist."
To finish things off, here are some ultrasound photos.

I like the name Grady! Or maybe Micheal Bolton!
Yeah, Micheal Bolton Hardy!
Yo... how about El Deags or Les Paul Hardy. Fender just does not work for me. However, Godin Ibanez Hardy could fly. If it helps any, my granddad's name was Dudley.
Don't give up on Korben just yet, Dave and Beka. You can give the lil' guy a super-biblical name like Korah Benjamin, and then shorten it to Kor Ben.
Wow, looks like he got Dave's tae-soo-do board kickin' legs! That's an awesome pic!
John Tesh Hardy
Tom Jones Hardy
Burt Bacharach Hardy
Wayne Newton Hardy
or maybe
Billy Ray Hardy!
I'll refrain from adding to the wonderful name suggestions given and just give you a BIG congratulations! Boys are great, and we need more - our family is a little girl heavy due to the Ankeneys! Beka, I got your message too...thanks, I hadn't checked your blog in a bit, but it's linked to mine (nealonnews) and I try to check it often!
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