
First post

For those of you who are eagerly anticipating the first post on our brand new blog, here's the rundown on the "big stuff" going on in the Hardy household.

1. As of yesterday, Beka is now 16 weeks along. I took her shopping last night so she could have some clothes that fit. Thanks to Old Navy, now she does.

2. One week from today, I will take the first of four tests for my black belt in Tae Soo Do. Between now and then, I'll be practicing almost every day, attempting to streamline and perfect what I've learned in over two years of TSD.

3. As many of you know, Spring Break is hardly a break for us. For the past three years, we've taken on indoor painting jobs in our home. This year, we stripped all of the wallpaper and painted in the family room, dining room, and kitchen. We'll try to get some pictures up soon, but it looks much, much better than before.

Stay tuned for more exciting news that's "Hardy worth your time."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Old Navy for keeping that belly covered!

We want pics!