If you haven't seen the episode yet, don't read this (that means YOU, Dad).
First off, let me just say... GREAT episode! I've been thinking a lot about it since we saw it last night. Feel free to comment on any/all of these thoughts/observations.
- Beka and I suspected from the beginning that it was a "flash-forward," but didn't think that was the case when Jack said, "Go up and get my father. If I'm more drunk than he is, you can fire me!"
- And what's up with Patchy... why can't that guy DIE???
- I'm sad about Charlie.
- The body count of "others" was pretty high... goodbye Tom (a.k.a. Mr. Friendly... a.k.a. Zeke... a.k.a. Beardy...)
- I suspect the funeral was for Locke, but who knows. Some say it was Michael's (since it was held in an African-American neighborhood), but I don't buy it. Others say it could be Sawyer's, but I doubt that, too. Here's a screen cap of the paper clipping Jack had.
- I don't think that was really Walt. Either it was the "smoke monster" or Jacob. Clearly, the island itself doesn't want to be found, either.
- Hurley really came through in spite of people saying he couldn't help.
- I've never seen anyone break another person's neck with their hands tied behind their back, using only their legs. Way to go, Sayid!
- My biggest question is this: can we accept the events in the "flash-forward" as being fact, or was it someone's premonition of what could happen (like Locke or something)? I'm thinking it's fact, but that's kind of a bummer.
- I felt truly sad that they got off the island once I saw what it did to Jack. Is everyone else as miserable as he is? What happened between then and now that made it so terrible to leave?
Further thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Don't care? Tell me about it.
Once again, it was a great episode. Let's just say I'm less than thrilled we have to wait until next January to see more. We'll have a 4-month-old by that time!!!
Once again, it was a great episode. Let's just say I'm less than thrilled we have to wait until next January to see more. We'll have a 4-month-old by that time!!!
"I've never seen anyone break another person's neck with their hands tied behind their back, using only their legs."
Ok, you caught me. I'm pretty sure I saw Jack Bauer do it on 24 once or twice. And while I've never seen Chuck Norris do it, I'm sure he has too.
I noticed that this is the first time John has killed someone.
Maybe Patchy is the "security system" Rousseau spoke of.. as well as the Smoke Monster, as well as Jacob.
Is Charlie really dead? Ah, but this is LOST after all. Oy, he may bloody well be back.
In the casket... some here thought it to be Ben. I agree that it is Locke. I don't believe it 's Sawyer as Kate in the flash forward referred to a "he" back home while she met with Jack.
Nawww... things are not always as they seem. This whole thing was too wonky to be solid. I say wait til next time...
A final statement: The violence was quite graphic. I just have to say even though I love LOST, I find it interesting how I have become so comfortable with the violence and sex. Hmmmm...
Well, well, that was a terrific episode, and I agree, the others took a beating. Ben is now in a precarious position, and I suspect he is the one in the casket.
Locke continues to surprise me, he is clearly an unusual fellow. He acts with only one motivation in mind.
I think this flash forward is where we will start next season, although I hope they will travel back in time to allow us to watch the majority of the losties get rescued.
So much to wait for, it will be tough, but we have no alternative.
Rob H
Oy... has anyone thought of putting 4 8 15 16 23 42 to music?
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