
Some Videos from the Past Few Months

Dean loves rocking chairs. This one is at Grandma's house. It's an antique rocking chair that was given to her by her dear friend, Sal.

As I mentioned in a prior book, Dean loves his books! He also likes to say "WOW" when he sees things he likes. Combine the two and you get this incredibly cute video.

Dean learned about a month or so ago that he not only has a nose, but knows where to find it!

Dean likes his drum, and recently figured out how it "works." He especially likes drumming along with music (though his rhythm needs work yet). How appropriate that we'd have a "little drummer boy" emerge around Christmas time...

This is a common occurence around our house. Dean will often approach us with a book in his hand, eager for us to read to him.

It sounds like he's saying "no," but he's really saying "snow." He's been very excited about the winter weather we've had lately.


1 comment:

LeRoy Lee said...

Those are some great clips!