Halloween was a lot of fun with Dean this year. He wasn't old enough to go trick-or-treating, but he did enjoy the pumpkins. A few days before Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch.

Dean was fascinated by all of the pumpkins, so we followed him as he wandered through the patch in wide-eyed amazement.

At one point, he sat down right in the middle of four large pumpkins and had a hard time getting out. With his orange shirt on, he looked like he fit right in!

Once we found the right pumpkins, we loaded them into a wheelbarrow, along with Dean, and looked around the place. Liepold Farms does a great job with their harvest-time festivities.

Dean really enjoyed riding around with the pumpkins in the wheelbarrow...

...and he really enjoyed his own miniature pumpkin, too.
We thought about getting Dean a Yoda costume for Halloween, but he got a Superman outfit for his birthday, complete with cape. He looked really cute in it!

Maybe we'll get the Yoda costume next year.

Happy Halloween! (a week or so late)

Yay for new pictures! Great job getting these all up! He is growing up so fast! Miss you guys.
How is work/life going Beka?
Love you,
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