That's right! Taken just this afternoon. As you can see, Dean is getting bigger all the time. Enjoy!
Dean loves his Mommy (as he should)
He looks a little off-balance here, but Dean enjoys spending time on his feet. All he needs is someone to hold him steady!
He's still getting used to it, but he's learning to sit up with the help of this little blue chair (thanks Wade and Sarah)
By the way, the color of Dean's shirt has no correlation with the New York Giants, the winners of this year's Superbowl (unfortunately). As far as I'm concerned, the only winners this year were Tom Petty fans who thoroughly enjoyed the best halftime show in years.
One of these years, the SF 49ers will rise from the ashes...
Wow, I can't believe how much Dean looks like Beka! Especially in that first picture! He is so cute and getting huge!
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