For those of you who have been waiting, here is the newest "profile" shot of Beka and Dean. This photo is over a week old, but you get the idea. He's punching and kicking as much as ever, which is very entertaining for me (though it gets a bit uncomfortable for Beka at times).
We started our childbirth classes a couple weeks ago. It has been educational to say the least. We also toured the hospital, which was fun. Now I know where it'll all happen. I was excited to see CD players in the room and to hear them encourage people to play music during labor. Unfortunately, I don't think Beka will be too keen on Chinese rock... oh well. They do say to play music the baby has already heard (because he can hear the stuff we're listening to now). I guess that means we'll be listening to Boston!
As many of you know, we recently finished painting our living room. The vaulted ceiling over the staircases posed quite a challenge, but it's done and it looks great! You can see a little bit of it in the background of this photo. We're also getting closer to having the baby room set up. There's plenty of furniture to build and things to organize. When we're finished, our house will be quite clean and a lot of clutter gone... for a little while. We'll see what having a baby does to the "clutter factor."