The first half of our vacation last week--before the painting started--was a blast! We kicked things off with a day trip to the Portland Classical Chinese Garden and saw some amazing Chinese architecture, foliage, and bonsai trees. I never would have thought such an oasis existed in the midst of downtown Portland (notice the tall buildings in the background of the photo). They even have a Tao of Tea in the garden which we visited for a mid-afternoon snack and some great loose-leaf tea (Beka opted for the mango nectar).

On Monday, we left for Newport and stayed a night at the Sylvia Beach Hotel, a bed and breakfast with various rooms themed after different authors. It was a very relaxing time and we'd love to go back and spend a few days doing nothing but reading (someday). Then we drove to Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and saw two plays: The Taming of the Shrew and Romeo and Juliet. Both were incredibly entertaining and well worth the trip. It'll probably be our last vacation for a little while considering the new addition to the family, but that's a whole new adventure in and of itself.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:3